How to Create Your Own Podcast

How to Create Your Own Podcast

Here, we'll cover the basics in what you need to start your very own podcast.

#1 - Topic and Name

First, deciding on what you want to talk about will define everything that follows in the line of podcasting. This can be something niche, with a loyal fan base, or something more popular, however with podcasting becoming increasingly more popular, finding a gap where not too many people have covered can be beneficial to gain viewership and a following. The topic can be anything however keeping a broader outlook on the topic or style of the podcast can help to ensure longevity and having many directions that can be taken. Finding a name for the podcast must either work with your topic, style or if you have a following already it can work to use your personal branding to gain traction.

#2 - Description and Format

Interest and intrigue whoever may be viewing your podcast with a description that covers what your talking about and something that will entice them to either give your podcast a go or memorable enough to comeback at a stage their ready to.  The format of your podcast is crucial in deciding how each podcast will turn out and what kind of viewership it could bring in. This should be in line with topic in some way, so if your going for a teaching type podcast informing people on subjects, a one-to-one style could work as it feels like a personal way of teaching. If you, yourself, are trying to learn about a subject, having a guest in a semi-structured interview environment could help you and the listener learn more from the guest.

#3 - Branding

Branding involves many aspects including your logo, slogan, the colours you use, your personal style etc. and is based on the image you put out for people to receive. When seeing these linked with your topic, name, and format, it adds to the feeling your audience has when they see your brand and this should be your main focus. Trying to capture one specific feeling is almost impossible and everyone looking at your blog has had different experiences in life, so will feel your brand in a different way, however this opens an opportunity for your podcast's branding to tap into these experiences, and create a relationship between the podcast and the fan.

#4 - Podcasting Equipment

Podcasting equipment can be priced across a varied range of low to high, however now with podcasting standards getting higher, better quality is appreciated more by listeners. For a startup podcast, a microphone, boom arm, foam ball and a shock mount to hold the microphone in place, is a good starter kit which can be included in the same package depending on where you buy your equipment. if viewers are looking for video, camera equipment, a nice looking studio space, and editing equipment will increase the cost however if taken seriously can have a huge impact.

#5 - Recording and Hosting Service

Many podcasters often believe they can upload straight to large podcasting platforms, but unfortunately this isnt the case. A hosting service such as Buzzsprout is a useful "middle-man" type tool where recording files can be uploaded to and they will deal with putting these recording onto larger platforms for streaming. They will handle the ins & outs, meaning you have more time and energy to spend working on improving your podcast.

How to Create Your Own Podcast

How to Create Your Own Podcast Here, we'll cover the basics in what you need to start your very own podcast. #1 - Topic and Name First, ...